Tuesday, February 5, 2008

How to Make a Fortune in Gold Playing World of Warcraft

World Of Warcraft Joanas 1-70 Horde Guide. Joanas 1-70 Horde Power Leveling Guide For World Of Warcraft.

Ever play World of Warcraft and find yourself short on cash the second the first decent epic gets listed on the AH? You’re not alone. Gold sellers are making hundreds of millions per year selling to players just like you. Do you really want to trade real cash for fake gold? I don’t, which is why I make my fellow players buy me anything I want. How? I use the AH to line my pockets 24 hours a day.

Using my simple strategy, anyone can make a few hundred gold per week, if not per day. Here’s how I did it: First I created a mule/twink and sent her to Org. I then sent her some cash from my main, which was 100 gold to start with. Since I didn’t have much, I needed to make money on small fry stuff. Most people who play the market buy up greens, blues, and purples and then reprice them. Sure, you can make some money, but only if someone who wants the exact item you have happens to be looking for it at the exact time you have it listed, and, if no one else has undercut you. Do you really want to tie up all your cash in Troll's Bane Leggings or a Zealot Blade hoping a twinker will buy it?

The easier way is to corner the market on things people have to have. For this example we’ll use cloth. Linen and wool are easy targets. At lower levels, most of it is consumed with bandage making, and even more of it is sitting in player’s inventories waiting to be vendored. What’s left is listed on the AH. Here’s where your cash comes in; you run the market buying everything up below a certain price, which in this example will be one gold. Keep soaking it up until the cheap stuff is gone and you have a decent supply. Don’t blow all your cash, as you’ll need it to defend your position when other sellers try and undercut you.

Now that you have a few bags full of wool, it’s time to list on the AH. You paid one gold and below for your supply, so taking into account listing fees and the auction house cut, you need to price it at a point which will help you make a decent profit. I like trying for a double on wool, which is two gold per stack. I buy everything in sight for one gold, and then list it at two. Every time some gets listed at one, I buy it. When buyers come in looking for wool stacks, they can’t get any cheap stuff, as I am buying it all. This forces them to start taking out all the stacks between where I am buying and where I am selling. Once that is gone, they have to buy mine.

While is seems like you can just list it and walk away, to make serious money you need to constantly check your positions in the AH. If there is a seller who seems to have an unlimited supply, keep buying it up. Stacks of wool take time to collect. He’ll run out of stacks long before you run out of cash. Most likely, the sellers who are dumping it cheap will start to sell for a higher price out of sheer greed. This helps drive up prices, which helps get them closer to your supply of two gold stacks.

After I doubled my money on wool, and forced the market up so the cheap stuff was no longer available for me to re-supply, I moved up to silk, mageweave, runecloth, and then netherweave cloth. Over the course of a month I was able to take my main from 60-70 and make right around 5,000 gold on my market twink. By this time, my twink actually was a twink due to my snapping up level 19 twink gear cheap.

This is a really simple strategy which can be employed to almost anything on the AH that is in constant demand. Primals, essences, enchanting dusts, leather, etc. Just make sure you pick something easy to start with. Lastly, treat the AH like you would a BG. You are there to make money, not friends. Don’t tell people who your twink is if you don’t want them hitting you up for loans or items. You’re just setting yourself up for constant /w from people, or worse, making yourself a target to get hacked.

Chris Yarbrough owns [http://www.myspace.com/roninkatana]Ronin Katana an import company specializing in hand forged samurai swords. Future articles can be found [http://www.roninkatana.com]Here

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Chris_Yarbrough http://EzineArticles.com/?How-to-Make-a-Fortune-in-Gold-Playing-World-of-Warcraft&id=515619

Warcraft Domination Simple Effective Tips And Tricks For Easy Waraft Power Leveling And Gold Farming.

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Sunday, February 3, 2008

World Of Warcraft Thinecrons Gold Guide

One gold guide for world of warcraft that might help.

Thinecrons World Of Warcraft Gold Guide Thinecron Is Slowly Becoming Just As Recognized As Joana/Mancow And Brian Kopp!

World of Warcraft Thinecrons Gold Guide is one of the newest gold guides for the online role playing game World of Warcraft. It is currently one of the hottest gold guides alongside Derek's Gold Mastery Guide (another hot World of Warcraft Gold Guide).

Why are all these gold guides springing up? Well, the obvious answer is that gold really drives the World of Warcraft gaming experience. You need it for just about every aspect of the game. You mostly need it for getting the best items, leveling your character and purchasing the coveted Epic Mount! Getting gold is one of the toughest parts of the game besides adventuring solo.

So what is Thinecron's Gold Guide? It is a rather unique guide in that the author of it decided to take a new approach to designing a gold farming guide. He used a collection of other player's ideas/experiences and compiled them into one guide. The results of which are amazing...he has image shots of his character having as much as 100,000 gold!

The author of Thinecron's Gold Guide has a very unique story to tell as well. The short and sweet of it is that he got so good at earning gold that his own guild used him as "the go to guy" when they needed gold. He learned so many different ways and locations to farm gold that he was soon one of the wealthiest gold farmers on World of Warcraft.

His guide is packed with information and plenty of screen shots from World of Warcraft. You can actually see what it is he recommends you do.

Another neat inclusion in the guide is an exclusive interview with Brian Kopp. Brian Kopp is probably the most recognized name in World of Warcraft with regards to Power Leveling Guides. The author sat down and interviewed Brian about World of Warcraft and power leveling.

World of Warcraft is a fun and challenging game....gold is a premium for all. Want to learn how to get more? or would you like more information on Thinecron's Gold Guide? Please visit: http://www.world-of-warcraft-strategy-guides.com/thinecronsgoldguide.html

Find out more infromation about various gold guides in general at http://www.world-of-warcraft-strategy-guides.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Eric_Paton http://EzineArticles.com/?World-Of-Warcraft-Thinecrons-Gold-Guide&id=682454

This is the real gold guide for world of warcraft use.

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