Friday, May 9, 2008

The World Of Warcraft Keyboard - If You're Serious About Your Game Play

play keyboard game world of warcraft
World Of Warcraft WoW Valkors Gold Making Guide #1 Selling Gold Making Guide.

If you ask people if they know any online game, chances are the first name they come up with is World of Warcraft. Even if these people never play online games most of the time they'll come up with that name. That's not so strange if you consider the number of people playing World of Warcraft, how many servers and clients and other components (we are talking millions) are involved and then there is the news coverage. All this makes that even non players know about the game. A question I often hear from non players who have seen people playing the game is "How does a person navigate through World of Warcraft?" The answer is simple, by using a World of Warcraft keyboard. A World of Warcraft keyboard can be two things. When someone says they play on a World of Warcraft keyboard it can be either a normal keyboard that's configured to function within the game, or it can be a special keyboard that was made to be used with World of Warcraft.

The normal keyboard

The standard keyboard that is connected to your PC or MAC is good enough for World of Warcraft game playing. The game, World of Warcraft, knows about standard keyboard strokes, when you use the directional keys the avatar will move on the screen. You can also use some keystrokes to give direct commands. You can communicate in the game, things like yelling, screaming or any other emotion can be accomplished by using different words. And naturally you can use the keyboard in game communication to let your characters say what you want them to.

You can go a step further and configure your keyboard with shortcuts for, so called, controller functions. These special World of Warcraft shortcuts can be used so you, the player, don't need to go through all the menus just to do one action. This way you can do all kinds of actions like searching your inventory or even exit, save and restart the game with just a simple keystroke. This, when you get the hang of it, will save you a lot of time. Time you need to spend on the game play itself. And you can configure the keyboard to your own liking, change the keystrokes or the actions. This way you can get a good level of compatibility in the game. Maybe you need to rely on your fighting techniques in battle or you rely more on healing, either way you can configure the keyboard to your style of game play.

The special World of Warcraft keyboard

There is a special keyboard available from the creators of World of Warcraft. This keyboard makes it much easier for World of Warcraft players. The game recognizes the keyboard configuration and you don't have to configure your own keyboard just so you can use all the different shortcuts and keystrokes. It's plug and play. The World of Warcraft keyboard has a normal setup but also has an extra set of keys with which you control certain aspects of the game. Because the World of Warcraft keyboard also has a normal setup you can use it in your day to day routine outside of the game for word processing or other tasks.

If you want to play World of Warcraft faster without the need of scrolling through the menus you should start configuring your keyboard for the game and learn to use those shortcuts. And if you are serious about your World of Warcraft game play you should set your mind towards the special World of Warcraft keyboard designed by the creators of the game.

Jenny Cumbersome plays online games as if here live depends on it. []

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world of warcraft keyboard game play
World Of Warcraft Joanas 1-70 Horde Guide. Joanas 1-70 Horde Power Leveling Guide For World Of Warcraft.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Frozen Throne Delivers a Superb Unique Game Perspective!

Ultimate World Of Warcraft Unlimited Gold Guide With Videos - Hot! Provides Step By Step Instructions On How To Make Unlimited Gold In World Of Warcraft. The Only Gold Guide To Provide Video Demonstrations.
more characters new game units

Blizzard Entertainment continues still to deliver depth on the story as well as other various outstanding improvements into the World of Warcraft series. Warcraft III The Frozen Throne is just another great expansion pack filled with interesting story line, new characters, new race and units and a whole lot more. It also continues to add new content and depth to the campaign where you'll engage with some interesting and new cool characters.

Campaigns that are quite exciting in Frozen Throne.

The mission campains are skillfully designed and offer a unique campaign that is even more engaging than the previous world of Warcraft game. Blizzard has included campaign missions that have allowed you to command multiple armies and units that have its own strengths and weaknesses within the game. You'll better appreciate each unit and carefully create a better strategy to finish the campaign. Some campaigns will even limit the type of units you can use in the game.

Blizzard has also crafted an interesting plot with no single central character that you use throughout the game. This makes it much more engaging and challenging at the same time. Understanding each character's ability in a battlefield will take some time to learn. Not to mention pairing it with your units that compliments the character's strengths is not going to be easy to learn also. Charming characters, fascinating game plots and a whole new storyline makes this game an exciting game to play and learn.

Characters and Environments have also changed in Frozen Throne.

The Frozen Throne has added three new environments that are just gorgeous. Several new units will seem a bit weird to use because some are designed to counter another particular unit. It will be best to learn where they fit in better in your strategies before heading off to you next huge battle. It will be difficult in the end to control a unit that does not give you an edge on the battlefield. Especially with the addition of another hero for each side, it could be harder to control a wide variety of units in a battlefield.

Overall of the game Frozen Throne.

Frozen Throne is a remarkably great new game addition and will offer a lot more than the original game might. It has a impressive new storyline, new characters and units that will add complexity to the game. It is a must have series for all serious World of Warcraft game players.

World Of Warcraft Gold Secrets The Original And Best-Selling World Of Warcraft Gold Guide Now Nearly 3 Years Running.
new game units more characters in Frozen Throne

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Power Leveling Guides For World of Warcraft

World Of Warcraft Mastery World Of Warcraft Guides/Videos & Bonuses Leveling, Gold & Macros Guides.
all leveling guides for world of warcraft

You will "hang out" with friends, throw "parties" with guild members, love joining others to do dungeons. Power leveling guides will give you all of these benefits of a leveling service with none of the disadvantages.

In this article you will learn about world of warcraft and the best horde leveling guides you can buy, and just what they are all about. One of the best things about horde leveling guides and also the cleverest is someone has been through the game already as a horde character and have done all the guesswork for you. All you need to do is follow the horde-leveling guide word for word and soon you will find yourself leveling up faster. At some of the forums you would have to pay for had a good amount of info from trusted users who paid to be there, but because of the small number of people on those boards the world of warcraft powwer leveling guides didn't have a big enough community to get the newest info quickly.

What power leveling guides takes away from, is the element of the game that makes it a role-playing game: fantasy. There are many world of warcraft power leveling guides that can make the levels just fly by.

Power leveling guides work by giving you a proven process for completing multiple quests in a efficient manner. Some of these forums linked to these horde leveling guides will give you the option to submit your own guide if you have one, so if you find a secret or quick way to get past a certain quest you could let someone know about it. I did find one site that had both the best free and paid world of warcraft power leveling guide is Brian Kopp. He has a world of warcraft power leveling guide that caters to the alliance side of World of Warcraft.

World Of Warcraft Brian Kopps 1-70 Alliance Guide The Only Alliance Guide For Getting To 70 Fast With Interactive Coordinates!
power leveling guides for all world of warcraft gaming.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Easy Gold In World Of Warcraft

make easy gold items warcraft
World Of Warcraft Joanas 1-70 Horde Guide. Joanas 1-70 Horde Power Leveling Guide For World Of Warcraft.

There are ways of making easy gold in World of Warcraft, if you know how. To make use of all the opportunities available, could take a very long time to discover, especially if you only play for a couple of hours a day. There are guides to help you make easy gold in World of Warcraft, and one of these is by making use of the Auction House or AH.

Auctioneer NPC’s are able to be found in Undercity, Orgrimmar, and Thunder Bluff, if you are playing on the Horde’s side. The Alliance players make use of the same Auction House, but they can find these in Stormwind City, Ironforge, and Darnassus. If Alliance players and Horde players want to sell or buy item from each other, they must ask a guard to lead them to the neutral Auction Houses in Tanaris, Booty Bay, and Everlook.

With this basic information, you can now begin to acquire items from battles and quests to make easy gold in World of Warcraft using the Auction House system. On certain levels and in certain regions, you can buy cheap items, which might be extremely useful to another player. They will be willing to pay a good price for these items, especially if it will increase their power, or help their leveling. You can easily make an awesome profit from the item you sell.

To make easy gold in World of Warcraft, might seem tricky at first, as you have know precisely what to do and where to go in order to kill as many characters as possible to take their items to sell. Don’t give up though, the more you play and the better understanding of the game, you’ll soon find that in no time you are raking in the gold. You are also allowed to pull players out of the graveyard, once you have various potions and skills. You can then take their money and items as well. Be on the lookout for rare and highly sought after items by many professions, such as Heart of Fire and Wildvine.

Another way to make easy gold in World of Warcraft is to enchant an item before you sell it to give it a greater value. Enchanters are also always on the lookout for resources, so you can disenchant some items and sell them the resource.

In the various quests you have to undertake, you are also able to make easy gold in World of Warcraft, because in some of the quests, like those that take place in the underworld, the corpses might have bags of gold with them. You are usually able to choose the kind of reward you would like that best suits your character and profile, so be sure to choose carefully as some of your awards could be sold for a high profit. To get a quest is easy – just talk to any NPC that has an exclamation mark above his or her head. Some of these quests, require you to perform simple tasks, like collecting supplies for someone, and can become complicated, such as infiltrating a dangerous cult.

So, there you have it. It’s only a brief outline to get you started on making easy gold in World of Warcraft, but once you begin, you will make even more than you can imagine, and the more quests you do and tips you pick up, the better your profile will become. So even if you start off slowly and don’t play often, you can still up your levels, and become a great contender in this worldwide, popular Massive Multiplayer Online Game.

Gen Mason plays World of Warcraft almost everyday. Discover free World of Warcraft tactics and tricks at []WOW Powerleveling

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easy gold items make warcraft
World Of Warcraft WoW Valkors Gold Making Guide #1 Selling Gold Making Guide.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Free Games

play enjoy free game games

Last year, the video game industry had made a whopping ten billion dollars selling their products to "gaming fanatics." Prices of popular titles going for forty dollars or more, so to find out if buying a new title is worth it, try downloading free demos or reading reviews written about it. The majority of game developers provide the public with websites about their new games. These websites provide consumers free demos on the latest games, updates on their latest games, and sneak peaks on upcoming games.

Have you ever found yourself longing to play that favorite computer game that you lost? It's possible that you can still find and relive those moments. Do a search on any popular search engine, and you just might find the same game or a variation of your favorite game.

Another great way of enjoying free games is by visiting MSN, Yahoo!, and other popular web portals. These web portals often offer single player 2D puzzle and action games. Some provide multiplayer games for those who enjoy playing these kinds of games with their friends. By simply typing keywords such as "free games," "games," or "free online games," you can enjoy playing a wide variety of games online.

All of these are just variations or simulations of the games that you want to play. If you really want to enjoy the games that you once played, the best thing to do is look for emulators. An emulator is software that lets you play games in their original coding. This means that you can enjoy every bit of the game you once loved playing without any modifications. Looking for the games that you want to play in your emulator is easy. By using search engines and the title of the game, you should be able to find a version that is compatible with your emulator. []Free Games provides detailed information on Free Games, Free Online Games, Free Mobile Games, Free Kids' Games and more. Free Games is affiliated with []Free Online Kid Games.

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you can play and enjoy free game games online.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

How to Make a Fortune in Gold Playing World of Warcraft

World Of Warcraft Joanas 1-70 Horde Guide. Joanas 1-70 Horde Power Leveling Guide For World Of Warcraft.

Ever play World of Warcraft and find yourself short on cash the second the first decent epic gets listed on the AH? You’re not alone. Gold sellers are making hundreds of millions per year selling to players just like you. Do you really want to trade real cash for fake gold? I don’t, which is why I make my fellow players buy me anything I want. How? I use the AH to line my pockets 24 hours a day.

Using my simple strategy, anyone can make a few hundred gold per week, if not per day. Here’s how I did it: First I created a mule/twink and sent her to Org. I then sent her some cash from my main, which was 100 gold to start with. Since I didn’t have much, I needed to make money on small fry stuff. Most people who play the market buy up greens, blues, and purples and then reprice them. Sure, you can make some money, but only if someone who wants the exact item you have happens to be looking for it at the exact time you have it listed, and, if no one else has undercut you. Do you really want to tie up all your cash in Troll's Bane Leggings or a Zealot Blade hoping a twinker will buy it?

The easier way is to corner the market on things people have to have. For this example we’ll use cloth. Linen and wool are easy targets. At lower levels, most of it is consumed with bandage making, and even more of it is sitting in player’s inventories waiting to be vendored. What’s left is listed on the AH. Here’s where your cash comes in; you run the market buying everything up below a certain price, which in this example will be one gold. Keep soaking it up until the cheap stuff is gone and you have a decent supply. Don’t blow all your cash, as you’ll need it to defend your position when other sellers try and undercut you.

Now that you have a few bags full of wool, it’s time to list on the AH. You paid one gold and below for your supply, so taking into account listing fees and the auction house cut, you need to price it at a point which will help you make a decent profit. I like trying for a double on wool, which is two gold per stack. I buy everything in sight for one gold, and then list it at two. Every time some gets listed at one, I buy it. When buyers come in looking for wool stacks, they can’t get any cheap stuff, as I am buying it all. This forces them to start taking out all the stacks between where I am buying and where I am selling. Once that is gone, they have to buy mine.

While is seems like you can just list it and walk away, to make serious money you need to constantly check your positions in the AH. If there is a seller who seems to have an unlimited supply, keep buying it up. Stacks of wool take time to collect. He’ll run out of stacks long before you run out of cash. Most likely, the sellers who are dumping it cheap will start to sell for a higher price out of sheer greed. This helps drive up prices, which helps get them closer to your supply of two gold stacks.

After I doubled my money on wool, and forced the market up so the cheap stuff was no longer available for me to re-supply, I moved up to silk, mageweave, runecloth, and then netherweave cloth. Over the course of a month I was able to take my main from 60-70 and make right around 5,000 gold on my market twink. By this time, my twink actually was a twink due to my snapping up level 19 twink gear cheap.

This is a really simple strategy which can be employed to almost anything on the AH that is in constant demand. Primals, essences, enchanting dusts, leather, etc. Just make sure you pick something easy to start with. Lastly, treat the AH like you would a BG. You are there to make money, not friends. Don’t tell people who your twink is if you don’t want them hitting you up for loans or items. You’re just setting yourself up for constant /w from people, or worse, making yourself a target to get hacked.

Chris Yarbrough owns []Ronin Katana an import company specializing in hand forged samurai swords. Future articles can be found []Here

Article Source:

Warcraft Domination Simple Effective Tips And Tricks For Easy Waraft Power Leveling And Gold Farming.

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Sunday, February 3, 2008

World Of Warcraft Thinecrons Gold Guide

One gold guide for world of warcraft that might help.

Thinecrons World Of Warcraft Gold Guide Thinecron Is Slowly Becoming Just As Recognized As Joana/Mancow And Brian Kopp!

World of Warcraft Thinecrons Gold Guide is one of the newest gold guides for the online role playing game World of Warcraft. It is currently one of the hottest gold guides alongside Derek's Gold Mastery Guide (another hot World of Warcraft Gold Guide).

Why are all these gold guides springing up? Well, the obvious answer is that gold really drives the World of Warcraft gaming experience. You need it for just about every aspect of the game. You mostly need it for getting the best items, leveling your character and purchasing the coveted Epic Mount! Getting gold is one of the toughest parts of the game besides adventuring solo.

So what is Thinecron's Gold Guide? It is a rather unique guide in that the author of it decided to take a new approach to designing a gold farming guide. He used a collection of other player's ideas/experiences and compiled them into one guide. The results of which are amazing...he has image shots of his character having as much as 100,000 gold!

The author of Thinecron's Gold Guide has a very unique story to tell as well. The short and sweet of it is that he got so good at earning gold that his own guild used him as "the go to guy" when they needed gold. He learned so many different ways and locations to farm gold that he was soon one of the wealthiest gold farmers on World of Warcraft.

His guide is packed with information and plenty of screen shots from World of Warcraft. You can actually see what it is he recommends you do.

Another neat inclusion in the guide is an exclusive interview with Brian Kopp. Brian Kopp is probably the most recognized name in World of Warcraft with regards to Power Leveling Guides. The author sat down and interviewed Brian about World of Warcraft and power leveling.

World of Warcraft is a fun and challenging is a premium for all. Want to learn how to get more? or would you like more information on Thinecron's Gold Guide? Please visit:

Find out more infromation about various gold guides in general at

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This is the real gold guide for world of warcraft use.

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Monday, January 28, 2008

Playing the World of Warcraft Paladin

World Of Warcraft WoW Valkors Gold Making Guide #1 Selling Gold Making Guide.

World of Warcraft Online is a massively-multiplayer online roleplaying game (MMPORG) that allows you, the player, to interact with other players from around the globe as you complete quests, adventure, and experience life in the World of Warcraft world.

One character you can choose to play is a paladin. These characters are combination healer/warrior. As such, they can heal others, cast spells, and fight against other characters and creatures. They are truly fun and useful characters to play.

World of Warcraft allows you to play character races other than humans. For the paladin, you could choose to be a human, dwarf, blood elf, or draenei. You can also use most weapons and wear heavy armor. Some great benefits of playing a paladin include summoning a warhorse and being able to sacrifice yourself for the entire adventuring group. At the same time, however, paladins are dependent on mana when they fight. They also have a low damage per second rating and they can’t really use any range weapons.

There are many ways to play a paladin. You could choose to have your paladin support the rest of the party by hanging back and healing. You could also fight if necessary. But you don’t have to stop there. You can also play a tank Paladin where you spend your talent points in the area retribution so that you can adventure solo.

Groups are very welcoming to paladins because of all their excellent abilities. They are very difficult to kill and can help the rest of the party immensely through healing, etc. However, realize that attaining a high level paladin is very challenging and requires a lot of time and effort.

Melissa Kelly has entered the World of Warcraft as a paladin and loves immersing herself in online games. You can visit her website at [] [] and learn about playing a []World of Warcraft Paladin, getting gold, available items, and more.

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World Of Warcraft Joanas 1-70 Horde Guide. Joanas 1-70 Horde Power Leveling Guide For World Of Warcraft.

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Sunday, January 27, 2008

Podcasts - A Great Source of World of Warcraft Information

World Of Warcraft Joanas 1-70 Horde Guide. Joanas 1-70 Horde Power Leveling Guide For World Of Warcraft.

For those of you who love World of Warcraft there are some great podcasts covering World of Warcraft. Podcasts are great at providing you with the latest World of Warcraft news, guides and commentary. I find that listening to mmorpg podcasts is the best source of information regarding my favorite games.

Another great thing about podcasts is that you can listen to them while doing other things. I often listen to these podcasts while mowing and driving to work. It is great to catch up on the latest mmorpg news while doing these mundane, boring tasks. In fact, I now look forward to mowing and driving to and from work. Previously, I would be so bored with these tasks.

I have also started to listen to podcasts instead of watching television. Now when I go to sleep at night, I no longer turn on the televisions. Instead, I find it much more relaxing to listen to podcasts. I put on my headphones, shut my eyes, and prepare to fall asleep.

In addition to World of Warcraft podcasts, I like to listen to technology podcasts, news podcasts, and audiobooks. If you have and Ipod, browse the Itunes podcast library. You will find tons of great podcasts to listen to.

Here are the top 10 World of Warcraft podcasts. Due to limitations of EzineArticles, I cannot post links to all of these podcasts. I apologize for the inconvenience, however, you can find them easily by typing the name into Google. [ ]Wow Chronicles - A great podcast which is part of the Virgin Worlds Podcast Collective [ ]Legendary Thread - 1UP's World of Warcraft podcast [ ]The Instance - "The Podcast for Lovers of World of Warcraft"

The Maelstrom Podcast

World of Warcast - "Podcasting to all of Azeroth"


Tavern Cast

World of Warcraft Podcast

The Weekly Murloc

From 1 to 70

Fred Peters is the author of [ ]

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World Of Warcraft WoW Valkors Gold Making Guide #1 Selling Gold Making Guide.

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Thursday, January 24, 2008

World of Warcraft Mining Guides

World Of Warcraft WoW Valkors Gold Making Guide #1 Selling Gold Making Guide.

Mining in World of Warcraft is a very mind-numbing task that requires the user to scout out nodes across zones and repetitively hit it with a mining pick while virtual ore pops out. Some people fall asleep doing this, others do this very ineffectively, but there are some that are able to take their skill from 1-375 in one sitting. In this article; I will discuss the characteristics of the miners who are able to get to 375 in one sitting.

Characteristic #1 - Research

The most dominant characteristic of a World of Warcraft miner that can max his skill in one sitting is research. Before these players even enter the game they already know where they will train mining at, what zones they are going to mine in, and where to look for the mining nodes. This allows them to get right to work once insdie the game and skip past the step of learning as you go.

The Internet has a wealth of information available for players that know how to find it. These professional miners already have the most popular sites book marked with information pertaining to mining and for things they don't already have bookmarked, they can get easily using a search engine or going through forum posts.

Characteristic #2 - Time-Management

This trait goes hand-in-hand with Research because it allows the professional miners to map out their time usage. Whether they play from noon to 2pm or research from 3-4pm their time is effectively used. Most miners end up going into game, getting stuck, and then having to alt-tab out or search for information they should have already had prior to going into the game. This creates a disorientated effect and a lot of lost time.

Even at work on lunch or break these professional gamers are utilizing every minute they have instead of sitting around daydreaming. To be successful in World of Warcraft and mining you will want to adapt the ability to manage your time.

Characteristic #3 - Organization

If a professional miner had neither of the two traits above this would definitely be the one to focus on. With organizational skills the professional miner can do things like; open a zone map and making a mental picture of a route they want to pursue to gather the resources or skills necessary. Using and/or developing mining routes is a very common practice among miners.

Ally Delong is the founder of The Noob School, a site that offers []Free WoW Guides. The Noob School develops an array of guides to help players accomplish things they want to in-game. This []World of Warcraft Mining Guide is a prime example of what organization skills are required by a professional miner.

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World Of Warcraft Gold Secrets The Original And Best-Selling World Of Warcraft Gold Guide Now Nearly 3 Years Running.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

How To Make Gold And Get Rich Playing World of Warcraft

Ultimate World Of Warcraft Unlimited Gold Guide With Videos - Hot! Provides Step By Step Instructions On How To Make Unlimited Gold In World Of Warcraft. The Only Gold Guide To Provide Video Demonstrations.

First off we need to make very clear that you will not become a real life millionaire by playing world of warcraft. What this guide intends to do is to make your character rich. Fore some people making gold in wow is the hardest thing to do but it is not really the case. It is just a question of figuring out where to go and what to use to make lots of gold in world of warcraft.

The following are probably the most important factors in achieving gold wealth playing WoW:

Auction House: It is the key location to make as much money as you want but it takes a lot of learning. You will need to spend a long time here making sure that you figure out how it works. Put items up for sale as much as you can; this and get a feel of how everything works. And make sure you use these two mods: the Auctioneer and Bottomscanner.

Use Multiple Personalities: You can't hold on to everything you make and gather in World of Warcraft. By having more than one character, this will allow you to transfer what is needed between characters when needed. Also make sure that you have characters that live in the major cities; this will allow you to access the more important items and areas that are in the game not found out in the wilderness.

Skill: As in the real world the better your skill, the more money you make. The same applies in World of Warcraft. There is a plethora of skills to choose from. Skinning is a great one for making gold.

Trade Channels: Otherwise known as the flea market of the World Of Warcraft. Here you can make great deals which you can then multiply in profit when you turn them over at the auction house.

Those above are the key areas necessary to exploit in order to make as much gold as possible in World of Warcraft. The best way is to master one then move on to the other. Making gold in Wow is actually an easy process, it is holding on to it that is the tricky part. Learning to master all these areas will therefore better equip you in making it using different strategies.

Find more great tips gold making tips from James Ross at his blog How to Make Gold In World Of Warcraft, as the name says this site if full of great money making tips for World of Warcraft. For more information check it out here:

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World Of Warcraft Joanas 1-70 Horde Guide. Joanas 1-70 Horde Power Leveling Guide For World Of Warcraft.

Monday, January 21, 2008

World Of Warcraft Mage AOE

World Of Warcraft Joanas 1-70 Horde Guide. Joanas 1-70 Horde Power Leveling Guide For World Of Warcraft.

World of Warcraft mages are without doubt the best at killing multiple mobs at one time, using Area Of Effect spells. This guide will teach you exactly what AOE grinding and leveling involves, what kind of talents your mage should be built around, and the best spots in Azeroth to level your mage. There will also be some advanced tips and tricks on this kind of leveling.

The basics of AOE grinding are as follows: use a mage, aggro a bunch of mobs, and use Area Of Effect spells to kill them all at the same time, while ultimately avoiding damage and death. Because mages have at their disposal damage spells such as Arcane Explosion, Cone of Cold, Blastwave and Flamestrike, a mage is ideal, and indeed the best class, at killing multiple mobs with AOE spells. On top of the damage spells, there is also access to useful spells such as Frost Nova and the extremely handy Blink to assist in grinding.

The ideal talent build for AOE grinding is focused generally on the Arcane tree, as Arcane Explosion will be your main source of damage to kill mobs. From level 10 to 20, Arcane Concentration and Improved Arcane Missiles should be picked. From level 21 to 30, talent points can be spent on the Fire tree (Improved Fireball, Pyroblast, etc). After level 30, continue to spend points in the Arcane tree, improving your mage's efficiency with Arcane Meditation, Arcane Mind, Arcane Instability, and Arcane Power.

The best low level (17-23) spot to AOE grind is in the Wetlands, near Loch Modan. The Mosshide Gnolls found in camps just outside the tunnel from Loch Modan have an extremely fast respawn rate, and only one caster per camp. Make sure to kill the caster first, then easily Arcane Explosion the rest of the camp to death.

For level 21-27 mages, the Shadowhide Gnolls in Redridge Mountains are prime grinding targets. There are no ranged mobs, and very few caster ones.

The next must-visit spot is in Duskwood. Recommended for mages level 28-32, there are many Vile Fangs just outside a cave to the east of the Rotting Orchard. The mobs here are ideal for AOE leveling as there are no ranged mobs or casters.

Continue to AOE level at Stranglethorn Vale, around Nesingwary's Expedition. Completing the quests found there along with some quick grinding should make for some rapid leveling.

At level 40, proceed on to Tanaris. The Wastewander Pirates here make for excellent AOE grinding, as there are several camps full of them. You can move on to the Southsea Pirates located around Lost Rigger Cove later. You can stay in Tanaris well until level 46.

For level 46-51, mages can choose to level in the Blasted Lands. Kill the Nethergarde Humans wandering around, but watch out for the ranged mobs. Alternatively, at level 49-54, grind the Thunderhead Hippogryphs found in the northern part of Azshara.

A good place to mage AOE grind in the level 50s is in Winterspring. The Ice Thistle Yetis are perfect as they have a fast respawn timer and there are no ranged mobs or casters. However, keep in mind that these mobs have a high resist to Frost spells.

Finally, if you are itching to reach level 60, you can start killing the Earth Elementals found in northwest Silithus.

Before AOEing, make sure you are always at full health and full mana, and also fully buffed with Ice Armor. Remember to strafe away from mobs instead of backing away as strafing is faster (you move slower when backing away). For tight situations, use Frost Nova and Blink separately, instead of together, as this can buy you more time.

It is always recommended to get a healer to accompany you on your AOE expeditions – while the experience from killing mobs will be shared, you and the healer will benefit more as you can aggro more mobs and kill faster with the constant healing. Wear gear that increases your Stamina and Intelligence (of the Eagle), and aim for +Stamina enchants. Applying these tips and tricks will definitely improve your mage AOE grinding and leveling.

Learn more about the best ways to Mage AOE grind and level, as well as the fastest and most efficient ways to [] Leveling Your Mage at

Jon Diz is an avid Warcraft fan and hardcore WoW gamer. He recently discovered that an overwhelming majority of World of Warcraft guides on the internet are scams, and thus created a website, The WoW Authority, to ensure that fellow World of Warcraft players never again get cheated by useless or fraud guides. Find out more about his detailed reviews and top recommendations on World of Warcraft Gold and Leveling Guides at

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World Of Warcraft Gold Secrets The Original And Best-Selling World Of Warcraft Gold Guide Now Nearly 3 Years Running.

Earning Gold With Alchemy in the World of Warcraft

World Of Warcraft Joanas 1-70 Horde Guide. Joanas 1-70 Horde Power Leveling Guide For World Of Warcraft.

Alchemy is one of the most helpful professions in the World of Warcraft if you learn the trade and learn how and when to use your potions. There are so many different potions that you can get for your character to learn as you level, and once you get high enough, you can transmute cheaper items into those that sell for a ton of gold on the auction house, such as truesilver. But, its not just the items that you can sell, there are certain classes that will always be looking for different potions to help them through.

For casting classes, such as the mage and warlock, buffs are sometimes the only things that can help them make it through high level areas. So, you can usually do well selling healing, mana, strength, defense, and other guardian potions on the auction house to these types of classes. For the tanking classes, elixirs that help with strength, defense, stealth, demonslaying, and rage are great as they buff up that class even more to help them blast through areas and instances.

Of course, alchemy can be expensive if you do not pick up herbalism as well. Herbalism is actually one of the gathering professions that can make you a ton of money if you know where to pick up rare herbs and you make at least one “herb run” per week. An “herb run” is where you run through the game in different areas and just pick up herbs everywhere you go. Let them stack up as high as you can and then take them back to the auction house and sell them over the weekend. You'll find that this will make you a ton of gold, since there are players that only play on the weekends and don't have time to go out and find the mats they need to make their potions.

The lower levels of alchemy won't make you a lot of gold right off, but don't get discouraged. Once you reach level 35 and your alchemy skill is over 225, you'll find that the potion recipes and oils that you can now make will sell a lot better on the auction house and the mats that you can gather at this point will also sell extremely well. Leatherworkers need certain potions to create armor, and blacksmiths will also need certain oils and other potions for their armor and weapons. So, make sure that you know what these items are and make them constantly to sell on the auction house for tons of gold.

To learn more secrets to earning gold in the World of Warcraft, you can visit:

MD Weems has been a professional writer for over a decade and is an avid MMO gamer. She produces thousands of articles each year over a wide variety of topics.

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World Of Warcraft Gold Secrets The Original And Best-Selling World Of Warcraft Gold Guide Now Nearly 3 Years Running.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Easy Gold In World Of Warcraft

There are ways of making easy gold in World of Warcraft, if you know how. To make use of all the opportunities available, could take a very long time to discover, especially if you only play for a couple of hours a day. There are guides to help you make easy gold in World of Warcraft, and one of these is by making use of the Auction House or AH.

Auctioneer NPC’s are able to be found in Undercity, Orgrimmar, and Thunder Bluff, if you are playing on the Horde’s side. The Alliance players make use of the same Auction House, but they can find these in Stormwind City, Ironforge, and Darnassus. If Alliance players and Horde players want to sell or buy item from each other, they must ask a guard to lead them to the neutral Auction Houses in Tanaris, Booty Bay, and Everlook.

With this basic information, you can now begin to acquire items from battles and quests to make easy gold in World of Warcraft using the Auction House system. On certain levels and in certain regions, you can buy cheap items, which might be extremely useful to another player. They will be willing to pay a good price for these items, especially if it will increase their power, or help their leveling. You can easily make an awesome profit from the item you sell.

To make easy gold in World of Warcraft, might seem tricky at first, as you have know precisely what to do and where to go in order to kill as many characters as possible to take their items to sell. Don’t give up though, the more you play and the better understanding of the game, you’ll soon find that in no time you are raking in the gold. You are also allowed to pull players out of the graveyard, once you have various potions and skills. You can then take their money and items as well. Be on the lookout for rare and highly sought after items by many professions, such as Heart of Fire and Wildvine.

Another way to make easy gold in World of Warcraft is to enchant an item before you sell it to give it a greater value. Enchanters are also always on the lookout for resources, so you can disenchant some items and sell them the resource.

In the various quests you have to undertake, you are also able to make easy gold in World of Warcraft, because in some of the quests, like those that take place in the underworld, the corpses might have bags of gold with them. You are usually able to choose the kind of reward you would like that best suits your character and profile, so be sure to choose carefully as some of your awards could be sold for a high profit. To get a quest is easy – just talk to any NPC that has an exclamation mark above his or her head. Some of these quests, require you to perform simple tasks, like collecting supplies for someone, and can become complicated, such as infiltrating a dangerous cult.

So, there you have it. It’s only a brief outline to get you started on making easy gold in World of Warcraft, but once you begin, you will make even more than you can imagine, and the more quests you do and tips you pick up, the better your profile will become. So even if you start off slowly and don’t play often, you can still up your levels, and become a great contender in this worldwide, popular Massive Multiplayer Online Game.

Gen Mason plays World of Warcraft almost everyday. Discover free World of Warcraft tactics and tricks at []WOW Powerleveling

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World Of Warcraft Gold Secrets The Original And Best-Selling World Of Warcraft Gold Guide Now Nearly 3 Years Running.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

How to Download Video Games Online

Do you still buy your video games from the local games shop? Whether you have a games console or a PC it's now a lot easier, cheaper and faster to download your games online. There are now more sites than ever offering services to download games for your Xbox 360, Playstation 2 and 3, Nintendo Wii, PSP or your PC.

But which sites should you use? Which should you avoid? There are a lot of scams on the internet and it's sometimes hard to separate the genuine offers from the scams. Follow a few simple rules and you will find a decent site that you can download all you video games from for life.

When searching for a site you should take note of a few things. Firstly, avoid downloading from free 'torrent' sites. Although it's always tempting to have something for free rather than pay for it, the files on these sites usually have viruses and spyware on them that even some antivirus software can't detect.

Next, you should choose a site specific to your console. If the site is specific to just one console (or PC) then the selection of games will be a lot greater. Most of the best sites will have games for one console (or PC) and a selection of other media - music, TV shows and movies all available to download at no extra cost, so check for this.

Finally you should make sure the site you choose has a customer support section in case you have any questions or problems and a money back guarantee in case you're really not happy with the service. If the site you're looking at doesn't have a money back guarantee you can be sure it's some sort of scam.

Follow these few simple rules when choosing a service and you will find a great site that you can download all your games from for life. To find reviews for some of my favorite download sites for specific platforms check out the links below... [ ]How to Download Nintendo Wii Games [ ]How to Download Playstation 2 Games [ ]How to Download PC Games

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World Of Warcraft Gold Secrets The Original And Best-Selling World Of Warcraft Gold Guide Now Nearly 3 Years Running.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Macromedia Shockwave Games

Almost 400 million people have installed the Macromedia Shockwave player on their computers. This allows them to play free online games which have an astounding level of quality and detail. Shockwave is Macromedia's first multimedia player and predates the existence of Flash. Though it was specifically designed for movies, Shockwave has become the tool of choice for developing online games.

The 3D engine used with Shockwave is the most powerful in existence today for online games. It has surpassed even Java in popularity. Most developers now use this amazing tool to create free online games. All flash files can be played in the shockwave player. The Shockwave engine renders objects much faster than Flash, and it also works with the video hardware on the user's computer. The only problem with Shockwave is that it is not available for Linux. The Linux community is lobbying to change this.

The free online games produced using the Shockwave engine are nothing short of impressive. It is believed by many experts that further advances in this technology may allow it to compete with console games in the future. While this may sound slightly far fetched, it is far from being impossible. Many argue that the graphics capability of the Shockwave engine can compete with or surpass that of the PSP or Nintendo DS. While this is up for debate, there can be no doubt that Shockwave is a force to be reckoned with.

Games can be produced in Shockwave for any genre. Racing games, RPGs, fighting, and simulators are all currently available in Shockwave. Many of these free online games require users to meet certain system requirements in order to play them. This is the only downside which separates them from console games. All games which are designed for a specific console will work. With Shockwave you need to have a computer which is powerful enough to play them. The most powerful advantage Shockwave games have over console games is cost.

While many of these games may be free, some cost as little as $9.95 per download. This is a lot cheaper than the $40 you will pay for a PSP game, or the $60 you will pay for an Xbox 360 game. As better games are released in Shockwave, we may see a shift in popularity from console games back to computer games in the future. Shockwave has made a huge impact in free online games and their developement.

Michael Colucci is a technical writer for - A site that offers you to []play free online games on a free online arcade game site.

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Monday, January 7, 2008

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